Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Its getting easier, easier to bare! (102)

Every day it gets a little easier. Jillian and Otis say that's true and I'm starting to agree. Of course, I agree with practically everything that comes from my good friend Otis. Back to the topic at hand - My plan for five days in a row of working out isn't happening but every other day compared to my zero work out plan before is better than nothing!

We are finalizing the plans for the bachelorette. The big pieces are coming together so that we can finally plan the fun stuff! I'm thinking a 1920s night - so if anyone knows of a 1920s dress that looks good on a pear, holla! Literally, shove it my way!

Sorry these posts have gotten steadily shorter... I keep writing late at night, past my bedtime, when I need to go to sleep. Because trust me, when I don't get at least 8 hours sleep all hell breaks loose. And that's without PMS on top of it.

Love you all, night!

PS Since everyone loves photos... here the fam!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Pasta in Portions (103)

Today for me was all about portion control.

I measured my cereal and milk out. I weighed the meat for my sandwich. And for dinner I had the 2oz serving size of pasta. And you know what, I'm not starving.

Am I a little hungry now at 1030 at night and wishing for some dessert, yes. But the important thing is that I wasn't hungry after I finshed eating nor was I stuffed to the brim like I used to be. And it barely took any extra time at all!

I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It Still Hurts (104)

Jillian Michaels is a beast. However, I survived and lived to tell you all the tale.

First, the negative - my calves are screaming at me. We just got back from my life long pastor's retirement party where I wore heels for 4 hours. Yup, we are no longer friends, my calves and I. A nice long bath to ease sore muscles sounds really good about now.

On the other side of the coin, the workout itsself didn't seem as painful or relentless as it did last time. Score! Now don't get me wrong, as stated above I am sore, my muscles are still not fans of this thing called "working out" but the recovery time directly after wasn't quite as long as the first time.

Now I just need to stick with it! Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Manual Labor (105)

Not much to write about today except that I helped my dad tear down our kitchen for the remodel. Tomorrow I will be helping move water and power lines. This is what happens when a man with two brothers has four daughters. He had to choose one to pass that knowledge on to and I was the lucky one.

Most of the time I say that sarcastically but I do love it. When my sisters are freaking out about something as simple as blowing a fuse and having to go into the basement to flip the switch, I feel pretty good about myself. So thank you to my Dad who has taught me so much! I will never be that totally helpless damsel. But I'd still like the knight and white horse ;-)

Back to day 106 - manual labor is not great fun. However, I'm sore so I consider it my work out for the day! Sore and exhausted. So good night to one and all, its past my bedtime!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fell off the wagon... (106)

Today I wiped out my bank account and then some to fix my car. It is sad that at 24 I have no savings to speak of. But worse than that, today I fell off the wagon.

As previously mentioned my beloved volvo Sandy needed some tlc, and if you've ever had a foriegn car, you know they are expensive to fix. Anywho, the point is that my Dad offered to buy me dinner but it was his choice. No problem I think, it's a free dinner and there are healthy options everywhere! I have learned that statement is FALSE. Five Guys, while delicious, does not offer one healthy option. If you have ever found one, I'd like to know!

Yup, a kosher hot dog with ketchup, fries, and an unsweetened ice tea later I finally said enough was enough. I was stuffed. Good to know that Julius Michaels will be there for me tomorrow!

Good night one and all! PS I am so sore today!

"We'd get sick on too many cookies, but ever so much sicker on no cookies at all." -  Sinclair Lewis

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I Survived! (107)

Jillian Michaels kicked my ass.

Below is the full array of workout DVDs collected in the last couple of years through various weight loss challenges. I have yet to try the Beach body T25 (we just got it today), but out of all the rest, Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred is far and above my favorite.

While I'm not a fan of being told that "pain is fear leaving the body," I am a huge fan of the 30 minute workout that always makes me sweat and sore. Odd for a big girl I know, but I love the brevity of it and how I know that if I can survive the next three minutes of strength in the third circuit, I only have two minutes of cardio and one minute of abs before I am done - and that ladies and gents, gives me the strength and will power to continue.

It actually quite sad, this 30 minute workout had my calves twitching and shaking like dry leaves in a wind storm. That just goes to show how out of shape I am. But, and as much as I hate to say it, my parents are right, after all is said and done I do feel better. Of course I am writing this almost two hours after I finished the workout and a nice long shower.

Well, that was day one of adding exercise to my life. I plan to continue this streak for five consecutive days. Stay tuned to see if I survive T25!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Baby Steps (108)

Today I hit the snooze button. Not the most auspicious start to a lifestyle change but baby steps, baby steps.

Another baby step - I logged everything in My Fitness Pal! Now I didn't exercise today or make it to my calorie goal but I only missed it by 180 calories. Not great but, eh, not bad either.

But what I consider a big baby step - baby step in that it has only lasted a day - I turned down oreoes and chocolate and my bigest sin, Starbucks. I used an old weight watchers trick of telling myslef I can get it later...and later...and later... until it's bedtime and teeth are brushed. Score one for the countdown!

Let's see how my plan of exercising goes tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Realization and Motivation (109)

Hello world!

I've been a big girl since I was 12. That was when I started to hate sports but still ate as if I ran a marathon every weekend. Today, as I finish the row of oreos in front of me, I realize my sister's wedding is in 109 days! That means I can loose about 30 lbs of my 230lbs in a healthy manner. Her bachelorette in NOLA is in 9 weeks! She has been engaged for about a year, I knew this wedding was coming, it is no big surpise and yet I wait until the final days to realize I don't want to be the only large one in the group! To put it in perspective, I outweigh all the other girls by at least 60 lbs.

This is the realization that it's now or never. I'm not going to change over night but I hope that by starting this blog and writing every day, I will finally hold myself accountable, loose the wieght, and keep it off for the rest of my life.

Below is a picture of my sisters and me, can you guess which I am? Starting tomorrow there are only 108 days until the wedding and I plan to make them count!



Smile at the world and it will smile back!